Review of ‘Where’s God? Revelations Today’ (Oct, 2018) by Bryan Foster
REVIEW by Mark Craig
5.0 out of 5 stars (Amazon)
An insightful and enjoyable read
Many books about religion engage the head and tend to ignore the heart. This book engages both and very well. At a time when people are losing confidence in institutional religion comes a book that reminds us that God is really there. I would strongly recommend this book to the one discerning the presence of God in their life.
Mark Craig
Mark Craig has published nine books on the topic of spirituality. Craig is currently a school teacher in Brisbane, Australia and served as a Catholic Priest for several years prior to this. He has a Bachelor of Theology, a Graduate Certificate in Religious Education and a Master's Degree in Education, specialising in Religion.
Craig acknowledges the divide between Spirituality and Religion exploring in a new way the indestructible non-material dimension to human identity. The problem, he suggests, is that too many mistake the metaphors used by religion for ultimate truth. Even the word 'God' is a metaphor pointing beyond itself to a more profound reality than words can capture.
Craig has been published in academic Journals, including the Australian Journal of Religious Education (JRE), the Journal of Catholic School Studies (JCSS), now defunct, as well as the EJournal of Theology. His website religious and provides further opportunity for spiritual reflection and discussion
Mark’s books at…/B00C7Y69UC%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scn…
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